
Tomasz Mazurek - Teatr Lalka



photo by Magda Hueckel



At Teatr Lalka since 1992. A graduate of the Puppetry Department at the Aleksander Zelwerowicz State Academy of Drama in Białystok (1991).

In 1990–1992 at Państwowy Teatr Lalek in Wałbrzych. He played Krasnal Chałabała (Chałabała the Dwarf) in the Polish Television program Domowe przedszkole (Home Kindergarten), 2005–2007.


Honoured for his role of Pingwin II in Na arce o ósmej (At the Arc at Eight), directed by Agata Biziuk, at the 15th Korczak International Festival of Theatres for Children and Young People in 2011.

Roles in some of Teatr Lalka’s productions:

    PIERWORODNY (First son)
    in Miecz (The Sword),
    1993, directed by Wojciech Szelachowski

    MARYNARZ II (Sailor II)
    in Robinson Crusoe,
    1994, directed by Ondrej Spišák

    FRASOBLIWY (Man of Sorrows)
    in Spowiedź w drewnie (A Confession in Wood),
    1995, directed by Jan Wilkowski

    JAŚ (Joe) in
    Ośla serenada (Donkey’s Serenade),
    1997, directed by Wiesław Czołpiński

    in Q-Q-Ry-Q, czyli przyjaciele ze skrzyni (Cock-a-doodle-do, or the Friends from the Trunk),
    1997, directed by Mariusz Orski

    AJOLOS (Aeolus)
    in Odyseja (Odyssey),
    1999, directed by Ondrej Spišák

    JAŚ (Hansel)
    in Jaś i Małgosia (Hansel and Gretel),
    2001, directed by Lech Chojnacki

    CZWARTA CÓRKA KRÓLA OLCH (Erlking’s fourth daughter)
    in Król Olch (The Erlking),
    2003, directed by Marek Ciunel

    GOŁĄBEK II (Little Pigeon II)
    in Kopciuszek (Cinderella),
    2004, directed by Josef Krofta

    BŁAZEN (Clown)
    in Buratino, 2004,
    directed by Ondrej Spišák

    GAJOWY (Forester)
    in Cuda w budzie, czyli Demo Teatru Lalka (The Miracles in the Shed, or the Demo of Teatr Lalka),
    2006, directed by Wojciech Szelachowski

    in Kino Palace (Cinema Palace),
    2008, directed by Marek Zákostelecký

    TATA (Father)
    in Tygryski (The Little Tigers),
    2008, directed by Agata Biziuk

    PINGWIN II (Penguin II)
    in Na arce o ósmej (At the Arc at Eight),
    2010, directed by Agata Biziuk

    TATA (Father)
    in Wakacje Mikołajka (Nicholas on Holiday),
    2016, directed by Jakub Krofta

    KSIĘŻYC, MŁODZIENIEC (Moon, Young Man) in Krzesiwo (The Tinderbox),
    2016, directed by Jarosław Kilian

    STRACH NA WRÓBLE (Scarecrow) in Krawiec Niteczka (Thread the Tailor),
    2018, reż. Jarosław Kilian

    KRÓL, KUCHARZ, DRAGON, MYŚLIWY (King, Cook, Hussar, Hunter) in Śpiąca królewna (Sleeping Beauty),
    2019, directed by Piotr Kurzawa