Tickets - Teatr Lalka
Ticket sales
Box office
Tickets are available online and at the box office, which is open:
Monday–Saturday 11:00 am – 5:30 pm
Sundays and holidays 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
and 30 minutes before each performance
Reservations by phone (22) 656 69 57
Or by e-mail:
Manager of Audience Services and Marketing:
Małgorzata Dziurzyńska
tel. (22) 656 69 56
Ticket prices:
Individual ticket: PLN 40
Reducket ticket: PLN 35
Group tickets: PLN 30 (per ticket)
Standing room ticket: PLN 15
Individual ticket show The Children of Noisy Village: PLN 50
Reducket ticket showThe Children of Noisy Village: PLN 45
Group tickets showThe Children of Noisy Village: PLN 40 (per ticket)
Ticket for theatre workshop: PLN 25 / 30
Ticket for theatre lesson: PLN 25
Ticket for show online: PLN 10 / 20
Ticket for backstage tour: PLN 25
Group tickets for organized groups of over 15 people. No standing room tickets for performances in the foyer of the theatre. Standing room tickets available when there are no tickets 30 minutes before the performance. Chaperones free of charge (1 chaperone per 10 children).
Credit cards accepted. For online sales, credit cards and bank transfers accepted.
Online reservations: Monday–Friday. Sending an e-mail does not guarantee a reservation. Box office tickets and phone reservations are treated as a priority. E-mails are answered within 48 hours from receipt. If there is no response to an e-mail reservation within 48 hours it should be treated as rejected.
Individually reserved tickets must be collected at least 2 days before the date of the performance. Group tickets must be collected 2 weeks before the date of the performance.
Tickets can be returned at least a day before the date of the performance. This does not apply to group tickets. The cash register receipt must be presented.
Payment by bank transfer is accepted exclusively for group tickets and upon arrangement with Audience Service and Marketing.
Teatr Lalka bank account:
Bank PEKAO S.A. Oddział w Warszawie ul. Jasna 1
Account no. 66 1240 6176 1111 0010 4817 6443
Tickets available online at eWejściówki.