
Roman Holc - Teatr Lalka



photo by Magda Hueckel



At Teatr Lalka since 1987. He received his puppeteer’s diploma in 1982.

In 1978–1980 at Teatr na Rozdrożu, in 1980–1982 at Teatr Guliwer in Warsaw.

Since 2006 he has run the Open Stage program at Teatr Lalka, where he works with children from educational care facilities. They prepared the productions Wyspa Słoneczników (The Island of Sunflowers) (2006), Rękawiczka (The Glove) (2011), Podwórko (The Courtyard) (2015), and Krzesło (The Chair) (2017)—the last two in collaboration with Katarzyna Uhma. He also runs the school theatre at secondary school no. 1 in Piastów. The theatre has prepared 11 premieres presented on the stage of Teatr Lalka.

Holc teaches techniques of puppetry art at the Cultural Studies Department of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (since 2010).

For many years he ran courses for teachers and theatre instructors organized by the Mazovia Cultural Institute, teaching techniques used by puppeteers. As a puppeteer, Holc collaborated with stage director Agnieszka Glińska on her productions Opowieści o zwyczajnym szaleństwie (Tales of Common Insanity), 2005, and Pippi Pończoszanka (Pippi Longstocking), 2007, at Teatr Dramatyczny in Warsaw. He also collaborated with Polish Television programs for children Ciuchcia (The Small-Gauge Train), Ziarno (The Grain), Lizak (The Lolly), 1990–2000, Ala i As, and TVN productions Małe wiadomości DD (The Children’s News), 1992–1994, and Mini Playback Show.

Winner of the 1st Actor’s Prize at the 15th National Puppet Theatre Festival in Opole for his role of Piórkowski in Jan Tajemnik (John the Mysterious), directed by Ewa Sokół-Malesza in 1991.

Decorated with the Silver Medal for Merit to Culture—Gloria Artis (2008).


My favourite roles: 

The Boatswain in Robinson Crusoe, directed by Ondrej Spišák. An exceptional production by an exceptional stage director, a journey back to my childhood dreams of sailing inspired by reading adventure novels. Have you read Treasure Island? The Jew in Kraków Nativity Play, directed by Bohdan Radkowski. This production is a yearly celebration of Christmas with our spectators—many generations so far—that started 30 years ago! An exquisite experience for the cast, every year since the premiere. An exquisite experience for me, too. I have many favourite productions from Teatr Lalka. Some are favourite because they are new. Each time I have a chance to meet a new director, a new artist using new methods. A new individual with a new vision of the world and a new vision of the puppet theatre world. And of art. Each time it’s a new adventure. It’s our life.

Roles in some of Teatr Lalka’s productions:

    ŻYD (Jew)
    in Szopka krakowska (Kraków Nativity Play),
    1998, directed by Bohdan Radkowski

    in Pan Fajnacki (Mr Fajnacki),
    1988, directed by Wojciech Szelachowski

    DIABEŁ PIÓRKOWSKIi (Piórkowski the Devil)
    in Jan Tajemnik (John the Mysterious),
    1991, directed by Ewa Sokół-Malesza

    KRÓL (King)
    in Miecz (The Sword),
    1993, directed by Wojciech Szelachowski

    MARSZAŁEK (Marshal)
    in Bestia i Piękna (Beast and the Beauty),
    1994, directed by Jarosław Kilian

    BOSMAN (Boatswain)
    in Robinson Crusoe,
    1994, directed by Ondrej Spišák

    WIEŚNIAK (Peasant)
    in Rudy Dżil i jego pies (Red-haired Giles and His Dog)
    1994, directed by Ondrej Spišák

    in Makbet (Macbeth),
    1996, directed by Artur Tyszkiewicz

    DOBOSZ (Drummer Boy)
    in Q-Q-Ry-Q czyli przyjaciele ze skrzyni (Cock-a-doodle-do, or the Friends from the Trunk),
    1997, directed by Mariusz Orski

    in Kłopoty Kacperka góreckiego skrzata (The Troubles of Kacperek the Mountain Elf),
    1998, directed by Jarosław Kilian

    HEFAJSTOS (Hephaistos)
    in Odyseja (Odyssey),
    1999, directed by Ondrej Spišák

    OJCIEC (Father)
    in Kopciuszek (Cinderella),
    2004, directed by Josef Krofta

    KRÓL (King)
    in Buratino, 2004,
    directed by Ondrej Spišák

    AKTOR (Actor)
    in Urodziny infantki (The Birthday of the Infanta),
    2005, directed by Mariusz Jarnuszkiewicz

    PTASZYSKO (Bird)
    in Ostatni tatuś (The Last Daddy),
    2007, directed by Michał Walczak

    PAN JENKINS (Mr Jenkins)
    in Wiedźmy (The Witches),
    2008, directed by Agnieszka Glińska

    ZBÓJ (Brigand)
    in Janosik. Naprawdę prawdziwa historia (Janosik: The Truly Real Story),
    2010, directed by Michał Walczak

    PAN RATTEAU (Mr Ratteau)
    in Wakacje Mikołajka (Nicholas on Holiday),
    2016, directed by Jakub Krofta

    PIES Z OCZAMI JAK MŁYŃSKIE KOŁA (Dog with eyes as big as millwheels)
    in Krzesiwo (The Tinderbox),
    2016, directed by Jarosław Kilian

    in Cudowna podróż (The Wonderful Journey),
    2017, directed by Alexei Leliavsky

    LOKAJ SENSACKI, OFICER, KUCHARZ, DRAGON, DRWAL (Servant, Officer, Cook, Hussar, Woodcutter) in Śpiąca królewna (Sleeping Beauty),
    2019, reż. Piotr Kurzawa