
Grzegorz Turnau - Teatr Lalka


Music director

photo by Rafał Masłow


Music director

Composer, pianist, vocalist, lyricist and arranger. He attended the Ignacy Paderewski State Music School (1st level) in Kraków, where he learned piano. He studied English philology at Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Since 2016 the music director of Teatr Lalka in Warsaw. For 13 years Turnau collaborated with the Piwnica pod Baranami cabaret in Kraków. In 1991 he recorded his debut album Naprawdę nie dzieje się nic (Really, nothing is happening). Since then he has recorded 16 solo albums and participated in dozens of phonographic projects. He composes music for film and theatre, and for many years has collaborated with stage director Jarosław Kilian. Turnau composes larger musical forms as well. A laureate of numerous awards, including nine Fryderyk awards, two Wiktors, and the Grand Prize of the Opole Festival. Awarded the Gloria Artis Medal and the Gold Cross of Merit. Laureate of the City of Kraków Award in the field of culture and art.