
Grzegorz Feluś - Teatr Lalka



photo by Magda Hueckel



At Teatr Lalka since 1987. He received his puppeteer’s diploma in 1985. In 1980–1984 at Teatr Guliwer in Warsaw as a novice actor, in 1984–1987 as actor/puppeteer. He has appeared in many television shows for children and young adults, including Tik-Tak as an expert on puppetry art, Ciuchcia (The Small-Gauge Train), Ala i As, and Małe Wiadomości DD (The Children’s News).

Honoured for his roles of Upiór and Księżyc (Ghost/Moon) in Jan Tajemnik (John the Mysterious), directed by Ewa Sokół-Malesza, at the 15th National Puppet Theatre Festival in Opole in 1991.

Awarded honourable mention for his role of Starszy Pan (Old Man) in Tajemnicze dziecko (The Strange Child), directed by Marián Pecko, at the 16th Korczak International Festival of Theatres for Children and Young People in 2012.

Decorated with the Bronze Medal for Merit to Culture—Gloria Artis (2010).



I have no favourite production. I like to rehearse and to act on stage. If I had to choose one role I would choose the role of the folk artist in A Confession in Wood. From the moment I saw the production I wanted to be a part of it. And it happened.

Roles in some of Teatr Lalka’s productions:

    FAJNACKI (Mr Fajnacki)
    in Pan Fajnacki (Mr Fajnacki),
    1988, directed by Wojciech Szelachowski

    in Szopka krakowska (Kraków Nativity Play),
    1988, directed by Bohdan Radkowski

    UPIÓR, KSIĘŻYC (Ghost/Moon)
    in Jan Tajemnik (John the Mysterious),
    1991, directed by Ewa Sokół-Malesza

    in O Diabełku, który chciał być dobry (The Good Little Devil),
    1991, directed by Krzysztof Rau

    in Medyk (The Surgeon),
    1993, directed by Piotr Tomaszuk

    SZEWC (Shoemaker)
    in Miecz (The Sword),
    1993, directed by Wojciech Szelachowski

    OPRAWCA (Torturer)
    in Bestia i Piękna (Beast and the Beauty),
    1994, directed by Jarosław Kilian

    OJCIEC (Father), ROLES
    in Robinson Crusoe,
    1994, directed by Ondrej Spišák

    ŚWIĄTKARZ (Folk artist)
    in Spowiedź w drewnie (A Confession in Wood),
    1995, directed by Jan Wilkowski

    BANKO (Banquo)
    in Makbet (Macbeth),
    1996, directed by Artur Tyszkiewicz

    in Opowieść o miłości, o drzewie i o tobie (A Tale of Love, a Tree and You),
    1997, directed by Petr Nosálek

    in Kłopoty Kacperka góreckiego skrzata (The Troubles of Kacperek the Mountain Elf),
    1998, directed by Jarosław Kilian

    in Odyseja (Odyssey),
    1999, directed by Ondrej Spišák

    STARY FAUST (Old Faust)
    in Faust i inni (Faust and Others),
    2000, directed by Maciej Wojtyszko

    PAN FAJNACKI (Mr Fajnacki)
    in Państwo Fajnackich (The Fajnaccy),
    2001, directed by Wojciech Szelachowski

    KRÓL OLCH (Erlking)
    in Król Olch (The Erlking),
    2003, directed by Marek Ciunel

    in Buratino,
    2004, directed by Ondrej Spišák

    SPRZEDAWCA (Shop assistant)
    in Sklep z zabawkami (The Toy Shop),
    2005, directed by Łukasz Kos

    KRÓL (King)
    in Urodziny infantki (The Birthday of the Infanta),
    2005, directed by Marcin Jarnuszkiewicz

    in Cuda w budzie czyli demo Teatru Lalka (The Miracles in the Shed, or the Demo of Teatr Lalka),
    2006, directed by Wojciech Szelachowski

    in Ostatni tatuś (The Last Daddy),
    2006, directed by Michał Walczak

    in Kino Palace (Palace Cinema),
    2008, directed by Marek Zákostelecký

    ZBÓJ (Brigand)
    in Janosik. Naprawdę prawdziwa historia (Janosik: The Truly Real Story),
    2010, directed by Łukasz Kos

    STARSZY PAN (Old Man)
    in Tajemnicze dziecko (The Strange Child),
    2012, directed by Marián Pecko

    in Wakacje Mikołajka (Nicholas on Holiday),
    2016, directed by Jakub Krofta

    PIES Z OCZAMI JAK WIEŻA W KOPENHADZE (Dog with eyes as big as a tower in Copenhagen)
    in Krzesiwo (The Tinderbox),
    2016, directed by Jarosław Kilian

    OJCIEC, MYKITA (Father, Mykita) in Cudowna podróż (The Wonderful Journey),
    2017, directed by Alexei Leliavsky

    MINISTER in Król Maciuś I (King Maciuś I), 
    2017, reż. Daria Kopiec

    KRAWIEC NITECZKA (Thread the Tailor) in Krawiec Niteczka (Thread the Tailor),
    2018, directed by Jarosław Kilian